Agony Shorthand

Tuesday, March 18, 2003
HOW TO ENHANCE THE AGONY SHORTHAND EXPERIENCE....If you're only reading my drivel and not checking out the various comments left by others, you're only getting half the story! In the past two weeks alone we've heard from Brian Turner on the top Stones bootlegs and learned about LOU CHRISTIE AND THE TAMMYS; we've had corrections and punditry galore from Larry Hardy; we've heard from Modern Rock Magazine's Tim Ellison on late 80s LIVE SKULL; from Jakob and Henrik Olausson all the way out in Sweden holding court on post-WW2 Blues and Swedish thrift store bands; from a number of well-meaning sorts taking me to task for not liking any post-1985 FALL; and of course from Ryan Wells speaking the truth on a number of topics with the energy and edge of a young Al Flipside. Read the comments! These folks know more than all of us combined!