Agony Shorthand |
Thursday, October 02, 2003
MODERN LOVERS REISSUE…..One of the landmark 1970s post-Velvet Underground records that really stands out as a bonafide, Top-25-records-of-all-time classic is the MODERN LOVERS' eponymous debut. This fantastic record has long been far more difficult to track down that it should be, both on LP during the 1980s and on CD during the 90s. Now Sanctuary Records are giving is a proper CD reissue this month, so if for some reason you don’t have this one, no more whinging. Better still, it will have 6 extra tracks, including an early demo of “Road Runner” – which I’m going to bet is the great version that turned up on the “Original Modern Lovers” demos LP/CD a decade+ ago. And let’s hope that “I’m Straight” makes it as well!