Agony Shorthand |
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
VARIOUS ARTISTS : "CUMSTAINS OVER MY RECORD COLLECTION".....Charming, hunh? I mean, like anyone would do that, right? This collection is one of those KILLED BY DEATH follow-on late 70s/early 80s rare punk compilations, limited itself to an obscene 600 copies and championing some of the rawest (and dumbest) of the second-drawer, uncomped punk. I came upon my copy on a CD-R, actually, due to a happenstance search that landed me at the virtual headquarters of Portland, OR's Anxiety Distribution. The link appears to be off now, but this guy'll make you a high-quality CD-R of any punk bootleg he happens to own for a very low cash outlay. Anyway, this comp has got a couple of knockouts. My favorite is the excitingly titled "Movements" by PITFALL, which is sort of this mess of fuzz guitar, oi-style chanting, and Germanic-sounding female vocals. A fine squall. Then there's the shitcore of San Francisco's BAD POSTURE and their "Time For Smack". Frankly, this is really an awful song, but it still is jarringly refreshing to remember what a degenerate, drug-n-booze-fueled punk scene San Francisco had in the early 80s with the likes of these guys, FLIPPER, FUCK UPS, CODE OF HONOR and the whole lice-ridden, leather-jacketed crew. SADO NATION ("I'm Trouble") prove once again that they were a killer, slashing, meat-and-potatoes punk rock band before they went hardcore (with female vocalist Trish? Tish?), and then there's New Zealand's TERRORWAYS and their rockabilly-esque, RADIATORS FROM SPACE-redolent "Short Haired Rock and Roll". All in all, a good buy for four bucks and postage.