Agony Shorthand

Wednesday, August 04, 2004
“PSYCHODELICIAS” FOR “UN POCO DINERO”.....There’s a large-hearted gentleman in Switzerland who has put together his own 8-volume CD-R set of 1960s South American & Spanish beat, psych and pop rarities & “hits” called “PSYCHODELICIAS”. He is putting the good word out to Agony Shorthand readers that you too can own these handmade, multiple-track CD-Rs if you’re willing to pop for the color covers and postage to wherever it is you reside. That’s it. In US currency, he’s asking $8 for one CD, and a mere $20 for all eight of them. Are they any good? I’m midway into Volume One and I’m enjoying it a lot – some hard, power-chord friendly KINKS / CREATION-like pop on this one so far, along with some moody ZOMBIES and off-balance OS MUTANTES psychedelia from acts like “Los Brincos”, “Los Walkers” and don’t forget “Los Angeles”. He’s working on a 9th volume to come soon, but if you want the first eight CDs for a mere song, drop a line to or click here.