Agony Shorthand

Friday, September 02, 2005
DUTCH MASTERS : “RADIOACTIVE” 7”EP......Didn’t even know my pal Eric Friedl was in this band when I started writing this review, but some intrepid deep-dives on the web indicate that he is. Should I continue on & violate my logrolling, backscratching rule? Oh all right, since I’d already decided this 45 was aces before I learned the names of the giants behind it. “Radioactive” is fuzzed-out, moderate-tempo’ed punk rock music straight off of “Cumstains Across My Record Collection”. It actually sounds like a re-write of SADO-NATION’s “On Whom They Beat”, and that’s just fine. The other two are also in the same ripping vein and actually contain hooks and choruses of a kind. It’s not likely to start rock and roll revolution in the streets, but it may, at a minimum, set your pants on fire.