Agony Shorthand |
![]() Meanwhile, the Fiery Furnaces, once a rock band, have quickly devolved into pure tin pan alley schtick, full of waltzing pianos, burbling techno nonsense and straight-up 42nd-and-Broadway blather right out of “The Fantasticks” or “Annie Get Your Gun”. You might have previously hated how their songs often stopped on a dime and became something completely different, a tactic they employed on the excellent “Blueberry Boat” to strong effect. Here it’s just going-through-the-motions idiocy, a method delivered on every track just because that’s the way they do things now, not because it sounds good or results in a killer song. Eleanor Freidberger, she of the deep and playful voice I happily compared to PATTI SMITH not 18 months ago, now annoys every time she speak-sings her lines on this one. Maybe it’s because the band insists on throwing out tons of vague arcana about their former hometown of Chicago in every other breath, which is something that’s ill-making even when a San Francisco band does the same about the neighborhoods I love. Or maybe it’s because Eleanor decided that instead of being a rock and roll singer, the one who blew me away on their debut “Gallowsbird’s Bark”, she’d rather be some nonsense-spouting weirdo gadfly instead. Or one who makes Grandma do the same. Look, I hate to summarily eviscerate a band that I’ve been holding up as a shining example for others to follow, but “Rehearsing My Choir” is an abomination. Worse, I’m fairly certain that the band knows this. My guess is that the Freidbergers wanted to cleverly make the recorded equivalent of a "Midnight Movie", something that would garner a cult-ish following from dare-to-be-different alternajerks -- but uh oh, they made a steaming pile of crap instead! Unless they come back shortly with a record nearly the equal of their first two, which is unlikely, I think that this month of bad reviews and unsold CDs will be the last month in which the Fiery Furnaces receive any significant attention. Thursday, October 27, 2005
![]() Rather than crap out into formless noise-clogged borecore irrelevance as I was afraid they would, LIGHTNING BOLT have instead tightened up their attack and, with few exceptions, committed themselves to some pretty wild speedcore that sounds little like anyone before them. I can only envision that there will be noisehounds that will call this 4th album a “sell out” record, and while the pummeling's a little more recognizable in form & function from the worlds of blitzkrieg metal and fuzz-blurred Italian slam rock, it's still a power jolt to all but the easily bored. The only quarter I'll broker with any complainers is that if this ends up as a soundtrack for some Extreme Sports DVDs or Games, I won't be surprised. In fact all the "Woooo", "weeeee", "hooooo" sounds throughout the disc sound like me trying to pop a raging 360 ollie off the half pipe, when I can barely stand up on a skateboard. Terrifying stuff. I like this one better than their previous, "Wonderful Rainbow", because it's generally more frenetic and consistent in its pulsating, overmodulated overdrive from song to song without a lot of wankery to please the pundits. I still can't believe they can make a bass and drumkit sound like Motorhead, Black Flag and Teenage Jesus & The Jerks rolled into one fat-assed sherman. Come on people, are they putting us on here? The opener, "2 Morro-Morro Land", and track #4, "Riff Raff", are wild BMX rides to hell, fast and angry and full of terror but still listenable enough to get the pit hopping. Even when the pace throttles down for a bit it's still as heavy as thick aural syrup. Word has it there's no touring to support this one in the short-term, so I guess I'll just have to wait to see their "floor show" sometime in 2006 or later. In the meantime, their hottest blast since 2001's meisterwork "Ride The Skies". Wednesday, October 26, 2005
“TERMINAL BOREDOM FIELD GUIDE TO SF ARTPUNK 1977-82”.....I was kicking around an idea recently to put out a one-off AGONY SHORTHAND print magazine, featuring a bunch of cut-n-paste from this site + a few new interviews and articles. The linchpin was going to be a comprehensive investigation into the San Francisco Bay Area’s deep but ignored scene of bizarre art-damaged DIY synth/noise/punk acts from the late 70s/early 80s. I recently was hipped via CRUD CRUD blog to MICON; have been reinvestigating CHROME of late; got interested in weird records by POPE POL POT and the GERMAN SHEPARDS, and thus thought it might be the time to tie it all together into a real killer deep dive into the scene. Then I read this new article in the latest TERMINAL BOREDOM, in which the dive has already been executed with precision. Congratulations to “Sgt. Slaughter” (I know who you are!) for an excellent piece – check it out here.
![]() ![]() I put out a print fanzine in the 1990s called SUPERDOPE, primarily between 1991-94, then took a 4-year break before pumping out a small, final issue in 1998. If you're interested, I've got multiple copies left of two of the issues that you can purchase via Paypal, using the address Let me know if this interests you: SUPERDOPE #5 -- On your left above, a full-sized issue from 1992; full interviews with FLY ASHTRAY, THOMAS JEFFERSON SLAVE APARTMENTS and THE NIGHTKINGS, as well as a ton of reviews written by myself, Tom Lax, Doug Pearson and Grady Runyan. You can get this one for $4, incl. shipping. SUPERDOPE #8 -- This was the mini-sized swan song issue from 1998; aside from a few reviews of new stuff, the issue is one long article called "FORTY-FIVE 45s THAT MOVED HEAVEN AND EARTH". It was my attempt to dissect my favorite singles by the likes of PERE UBU, the ELECTRIC EELS, the BAGS, the CRAMPS, CRIME, the MC5, etc. You can get this for $3, incl. shipping. How much for both? How about Six Dollars, incl. shipping??!? Again, that Paypal address is Tuesday, October 25, 2005
![]() Monday, October 24, 2005
GALACTIC ZOO DOSSIER #6 fanzine + 2xCD......
![]() Now this is a fanzine, one put out by Steve Krakow a.k.a. "Plastic Crimewave" of PLASTIC CRIMEWAVE SOUND, a man who has apparently devoted his life to all things even tangentially psychedelic. This is the first one of these I've bought, but I reckon I'll line up from here on in appreciation of the sweat equity Krakow puts into this compendium. He not only writes most of it -- by hand, no less (i.e. no typewriters or Word Documents) -- but illustrates it too, including renderings of STACKWADDY, KEITH ROWE, JOHN RENBOURNE, EDGAR BROUGHTON BAND and others from a scene I barely recognize. "The freak scene", I think I've heard it called. He's so into it that he includes a bunch of clipped Marvel & DC comics from the 60s/70s in which one or more character was vaguely drawn as either "psychedelic", a rocker or a hippie, with some ultra-enthusiastic commentary scribbled in the margins ("This is great!", "Check out this cat!" etc.). It's a really fun read, covering the axis of heavy guitar, damaged folk and acid-blues of yesteryear & today, full of warmth & worship for the giants of the form. Krakow was also kind enough to include a double CD of fellow travelers past and present, with pretty much everything on here being unavailable elsewhere. Unlike most freebie CDs or 45s that fall out of 'zines and into my trash can, this one's got some hot, frothing stuff. One disc is pre-21st Century psych/acid/noise/folk/etc., with the winners (for me) being a 1971 DENNY GERRARD pop number called "Hole In My Shadow"; a couple heavy or abrasive 1990 Kansas bands called SKOG and TOOL; and an "Unknown Acetate" that's exceptional hard R&B-meets-demented all-thumbs rock. The other disc is virtually all recent stuff, with excellent hum like the lilting lo-fidelity tweaker "Leader Soldier" from Josephine Foster and CHILDREN'S HOUR and a wild folk-ish ride from a Nashville act I've never heard of called THE CHERRY BLOSSOMS. Imagine The Shaggs jamming with the HOLY MODAL ROUNDERS or something -- what a great song! Anyone know how I can track down their stuff? Other interesting obscurities appear from the SAWDUST CAESARS and (SOUNDS OF) KALEIDOSCOPE. Whew. I think the choice is clear -- Galactic Zoo Dossier needs to be added to your reading & listening pile for the holiday season, and with Drag City keeping this stuff in print, there's no better time to order than right about now. Friday, October 21, 2005
![]() Thursday, October 20, 2005
![]() Wednesday, October 19, 2005
![]() If you have an aversion to songs about hobbits-n-hares, kings and magic castles, well, you might find yourself a little rankled with this one – I know I was. That Renaissance Pleasure Faire BS is about as lame as it comes. At the same time, the songs that deal with said subject matter are few in number, and it’s all so opaque and fuzzed-out that it’s not worth getting too chuffed about. And the smokers that had me doing the dance live are still white hot on “vinyl”, uh, disc – “Mr. Mercedes” and “Sleepwalkers” in particular. But a 16+-minute album-closer (“Trapped Rabbits”) is 9 times out of 10 a bad idea, and this one’s just boring and plodding and could have instead been broken into four distinct wallopers instead of one time-to-eject-the-CDer. Dave Martin, am I right on this one? But let’s be clear on something – for all my bellyaching, MODEY LEMON have still got it in spades. The bass and synth are run through all sorts of effects so as to maximize the roar, and as mentioned in a previous post, the bashing drummer is Big Bonzo incarnate. Modey Lemon’s multiple layers of thud can be truly spine-rattling when they want it to be, and taken in sum, “The Curious City” is a real beast, just one with a dumb wizard’s hat and a few straight, gleaming teeth. Tuesday, October 18, 2005
![]() Monday, October 17, 2005
![]() So after the first batch of 1979 recordings, which pulsate with basement-bred glee and the lessons learned from a hundred sloppy punk bands, Animals & Men tried to graft Chicago Blues onto their jagged, fuzzy teutonic garage rock, and in the process, changed their name to THE TERRAPLANES. In came harmonica (which had been popping up before but really took a droning lead later on) and schlocky covers of “Baby Scratch My Back” etc. They also did some dabbling into surf and girl-group pop with mixed results, before sort of returning to their early roots around 1981-82. This CD does not include their world-beating 45 “Don’t Misbehave In The New Age” – you need to pick up “Terraplane Fixation” for that, which I highly recommend you do – but it does cover pretty much everything else they recorded, with some overlap with the previous CD. They’re one of those bands made up of regular folks who, to me, really define the anything-goes burst of homegrown recording activity across the British hinterlands circa ’79-‘81. Some of their songs are just so alive and exuberant (“The Suspect”, “Waiting For My Stranger”, “Render Us Harmless”) you just gotta hear ‘em. It’s been said before, but not enough – kudos to Hyped2Death for spending cash & time on worthy excavation projects such as this. Friday, October 14, 2005
A-FRAMES : “POLICE 1000 / TRACTION” 45.....
![]() Thursday, October 13, 2005
THE WILLOWZ / THE TIME FLYS / KILLER’S KISS, 10/11/05, 12 Galaxies, San Francisco CA.....
![]() Wednesday, October 12, 2005
![]() Tuesday, October 11, 2005
![]() Monday, October 10, 2005
SCRATCH ACID : "THE GREATEST GIFT" CD.....(and a side trip to the gnarliest opening band I've ever seen).....
![]() So the two goofball drummers started up their hardcore beats again, but this time "Fast"'s guitar shorted out or something, and everything ground to a quick halt. He immediately hefted his guitar, and shattered it into a bazillion pieces with one swing against the brick back wall behind the stage. The shocked whole crowd let out a collective "whoooa....", and then Janey just started crying again. She stood there at the mic bawling and shaking, "You don't understand you guys, he's really a nice guy, he really is, we're really a lot better than this, please don't hate us you guys....". Just then, the house lights came up, and the soundman quickly threw on some 1976 vintage disco music, "I Love The Nightlife" or something, and in seconds, Ron E. Fast and Janey jumped from the stage and immediately started disco-dancing together on the now-cleared floor. As everyone stood watching them in total awe, a "little person", also bearded, scampered out from behind the sound board and started picking up the guitar pieces from the floor. It was beyond belief, and they were only the opening band! We ran out to the car immediately to relive and retell the moment over a 6-pack of Mickey Bigmouths. W-o-w. So thanks for letting me get that tale off my chest; it has only lived on via the oral tradition thusfar, and of course, it was far more weird and ridiculous than it likely reads to you on the screen. SCRATCH ACID were great that night, of course, a total blitzkreig of gutteral grunting & aural assault, just as we'd all hoped. At that point in my life I was listening to their 1986 LP "Just Keep Eating" almost every day, and what strikes me listening this past week to this retrospective near-complete CD is just how uh, "multi-disciplined" the band was. I mean, you hear flamenco flourishes, spaced-out post-punk shambling, horn-driven funk, cowboy C&W and even droll fake jazz sprinkled in amongst the filth and the fury, which made the band a real deceptive cluster of musos (and we thought they were just a bunch of evil junkie hicks at the time, except for the drummer Rey Washam who everyone knew was a God). This collection is one of those compleat things that they sequenced chronologically exactly as they should have, from the barrelling 1984 debut EP, into the awesome "Just Keep Eating" and right through their swan song EP "Berzerker". Never liked "Berzerker" much at the time, still really don't, but I fell so hard for those first two records that nearly anything would've been a letdown. David Yow comes off as a snide, intelligent and somewhat dangerous freak, a pretty accurate desciption of what he seemed like when we pumped up his ego after the show. I understand from a little tiptoeing around the web that a whole new generation regards these guys, not Yow's mediocre subsequent band the JESUS LIZARD, as some real-deal pioneers of demented drug rock. Sometimes the kids -- they get it! A 100% recommended disc for anyone's CD shelves, even your mom's. Friday, October 07, 2005
![]() 1. The jarring surprise I get every time I hear Reed shout “Sweetly!!” smack in the middle of a “Lady Godiva’s Operation” verse. It’s so incredibly out of place, and the rest of song so lulling, that it quickens my pulse for a frightening half-step every time 2. The first four minutes of “Sister Ray” – perfection 3. The fact that the first verse of “Sister Ray” starts right after the music does, and rushes quickly to a second verse. You’d have no idea, hearing this at a bar or something, that the song continues on for nearly 18 blissful and difficult minutes 4. The ridiculously great faux black man/jive talker voice used by Lou Reed throughout the title track 5. The serenity and peacefulness of “Here She Comes Now” at the end of Side 1, an extremely brief oasis of calm before the continuing storm 6. Turning the balance knob on the stereo fully to the right during “The Gift” so that all you hear is the fuzzy, squalling instrumental music track 7. The vocal harmonies in “I Heard Her Call My Name”, which hint at normalcy when the song that surrounds them is evil personified 8. The motoring chug of the riff that underlies “I Heard Her Call My Name”, which has become one of several de rigeur “Velvets” riffs that bands have been apeing for nearly 40 years now (!) 9. The legendary guitar “solo” that follows the legendary phrase “…And then my mind split open…” on “I Heard Her Call My Name” – sweet jesus, what a glorious mess! 10. Deeply pondering the overall sonic attack and distortion caked all over the record combined with its chaotic, transgressive subject matter (drugs, botched surgeries, murder, gay sex, transvestitism), and then pondering additionally how this must have hit the rock community of fans & critics in 1967, even after the sweetly-wrapped slug punch of the “The Velvet Underground and Nico”. I need to read that Clinton Heylin book one of these days to find out. Wednesday, October 05, 2005
![]() About three months ago I finally devoured this book in a single 6-hour plane trip to New York, and at the conclusion of my journey I declared it to be one of the Top 5 rock and roll books I had ever read. I was so excited about this oral history that I was going to write a 10-paragraph oratory of my own about it for Agony Shorthand, imploring you to read it and enumerating all the reasons why you should do so immediately. Well, I plum forgot what I was going to write, and don’t have the book on me right now to jog my memory, so here we are. I think the reason I didn’t jump on this when it came out a few years ago is because it was released mere months after BRENDEN MULLEN’s LA punk scene oral history “We Got The Neutron Bomb”, a large chunk of which concerned The Germs and their effect on Los Angeles and the greater American punk movement. Reckoning that “Lexicon Devil” would be a mere expansion of the stories told in “Neutron Bomb”, I resolved to read it in a couple years’ time. Maybe that made “Lexicon Devil” that much better, I don’t know, but where “Neutron Bomb” was merely an adequate retelling of the greatest punk rock scene in the history of the form (Los Angeles 1977-83, baby!), this book is sooo much more. “Lexicon Devil” takes the story of Darby and Pat (Jan Paul and George) and positions it against the broader freakiness of the 1970s, and does so masterfully. The very best chapter in a book packed with incredible stories is the tale of their alternative, Scientology/EST-like high school-within-a-school at University High during the mid-70s, an experience so warped and beyond comprehension you have to figure those teachers would be behind bars if their tried their hippie mind-control BS on the school kids of today. But it sure made a man out of Jan Paul Beahm, hunh? He took these formative learnings, combined them with massive amounts of drugs & alcohol, and a deeply-repressed homosexuality that, in 1977, was definitely very uncool, and created the “Bobby Pyn” and “Darby Crash” characters of legend. What I loved about the book, though, was just how well the interviews were threaded together to tell a much larger story than that of The Germs. Existing as it did on the edges of Hollywood flash and cash, there are many stories of the punks’ rubbing up against movie idols or mainstream rock folks and the sometimes inevitable troubles than ensued. The whole book is filled with the most seedy and depressing characters imaginable. Of the ones still alive, like the reprehensible “Gerber”, you get to read their puffed-up yarns from the old days, and almost feel drunk with enthusiasm for their heedless youth & reckless stupidity as a result. I mean, these kids were answerable to no one but themselves – very few had jobs, all were either alcoholics or drug addicts (with a few notable exceptions), and they rocked 24/7 to some of the great bands of all time – WEIRDOS, BAGS, GERMS, DILS, X, MIDDLE CLASS, FLESH EATERS etc. – and all had wild sex with each other and each other’s friends. Doesn’t that sound like a blast? Of course it does, except when you’re creeped out & repulsed by the goings-on described herein. Characters who were very much in the center of things, like BLACK RANDY and DAVID BROWN, get their stories told better than any other account to date, and this in a book ostensibly about The Germs. Amazingly, Don Bolles comes across as the voice of reason and normalcy in this book, and as anyone who’s met the guy will tell you, those are not words that leap to tongue in his presence. But he’s a survivor, and as cliché as that might sound, once you read the accounts of the crazed lives the first-wave LA punks lived, you develop a newfound respect for the resilience of those who came out with their brains intact, and continue to play music or contribute in other ways to this day (hello, Alice Bag and Chris D.). Darby, of course, did not, and this book does an excellent job letting others put him on the posthumous therapist’s couch to try and dissect what went wrong. I can’t recommend “Lexicon Devil” highly enough – it’s a riveting read, and can even be appreciated by audiences far removed from the rabid LA punk admiration society. Tuesday, October 04, 2005
![]() I have a secret: this one time, I downloaded music illegally! It was earlier this year and I was browsing some fella’s files & he had a record from KING LOUIE ONE-MAN BAND called “Chinese Crawfish”. Now, I’d heard some of Louie’s stuff before and was curious, so I decided to gobble up the whole folder, not knowing it was an unreleased set of recordings not even ready to be unleashed on the public yet. I liked it quite a bit, in parts at least, and so I wrote up a review that you can read right here. Now that it’s out officially, I wanted you to know about it. And I’ll never, ever, break the law again. Monday, October 03, 2005
STRANGE NOTES, 10/3/05......
![]() Been listening to a little rock and roll music lately that I’d like to talk with you about. Let’s start with a brand new LP collection of punk also-runs called “STARING DOWN THE BARREL – RARE PUNK 1979-83”. It’s pretty common knowledge among the KBD set that the mother lode of eye-popping punk obscurities has already been stripmined, but hidden away in the veiny tentacles of ore are a few cool scorchers. This comp is full of unknown American middlers like the DUCKY BOYS and the PSYCHOTIC FROGS, but it also contains the snarling “Who Needs Wildlife Anyway” by GRACKIES, which is as godlike as anything from 1978 Australian heroes RAZAR or the LEFTOVERS & brings the white heat in a similar fashion. Another great number is UNKNOWN SOCIETY’s “You Hippy”, a fast one with the same snarling hatred of longhairs as the germinal DEADBEATS song that kicked off the whole hippie-destructo micro-genre. Top-tier stuff, and reason alone to go hunt this comp down.....A couple of weeks ago we were discussing England’s LONG BLONDES and their well-done post-punk rehash pastiche; way back then I hadn’t heard their debut 45 from last year, “New Idols / Long Blonde” – now I have, and it’s outstanding. Sharp, somewhat danceable stutter-pop that plays well in both the raw DIY and “alterna-rock” ghettos, and maybe the best of their three seven-inches if you ask me.....The LB’s label ANGULAR RECORDS appear to leading a UK revival of smart & tuneful weird pop, and their label sampler “Rip Off Your Labels – More Angular Product” has got some real neat stuff, not the least of which is the Long Blondes’ fantastic “Autonomy Boy”. Others to keep on your radar are heavy-breathing girl-led rawk bands THE VIOLETS and THE SWEAR, and the shambling art looseness of ART BRUT and THE SHOWBOYS. There’s some “bollocks” on here, too, but what label comp doesn’t have at least a pinch of that? Two albums in and I can’t get a handle on THE GRIS GRIS. Their brand new CD “For The Season” sports terrific surround-o-phonic production, some explosive musical ideas, and a lot of searing guitar chops spurting out where you least expect them. But all told, the album’s a stone bore, guilty of fantastic overreach. The band’s unfulfilling, haphazard song cycles appear to be written as if creating a dark psychedelic masterpiece for the ages was utterly non-negotiable. I’m sorry, but they’re just not there yet. You get the sense that some someone is thinking as if they were a step removed from Brian Wilson or Syd Barrett, and proceeds with songwriting accordingly. I remember people came down hard on THE FLAMING LIPS a couple albums in for many of the same reasons, and hey, their best work was still ahead of them. Maybe the benefit of the doubt would be a good pose to strike with The Gris Gris, since the kernels of truth and enlightenment are hiding in there somewhere.......One surprise LP reissue that I’m really enjoying is a set of 1997 sessions from Sacramento’s defunct KARATE PARTY on S-S Records called “Black Helicopter” . Their one and only 7”EP is collected here, along with a passel of throbbing, mechanical robo-punk that sat on tapes for 8 years. In fact the unreleased stuff (“Quality”, “Trouble”) is even more killer than their EP, a little less daffy and more full of precision-pinpointed blood and fire. Excellent!.....Finally, I’m starting to go on a LEE HAZELWOOD bender again, like I did three years ago until I flamed out hard. It’s not pretty. I think my wife hates Hazelwood more than anything I’ve ever played her, so I’ve been listening to my new “Requiem For An Almost Lady” CD on the iPod & car CD player like a bat outta hell. This is the most troubadour-like of Hazelwood’s 60s LPs, the least corny and the most sparse. No syrupy strings or angelic female voices, just Lee acoustically meditating on love & loss & of course, all the babes he’s slept with. It belongs in any proper Hazelwood collection for sure, right alongside “Love And Other Crimes”, “Cowboy In Sweden” and my very favorite, “Poet, Fool or Bum”.....That’s all for now, keep your feet on the ground etc.!!!